Sunday, September 22, 2019

What Would Trump Do?

On the local Finnish radio this morning they had a long segment (for some reason) about the time John Lennon said the Beatles were more popular than Jesus.
I remember there was a backlash over that, especially in the South, with folks burning Beatles records with the same kind of enthusiasm that some people used to burn Tyndale Bibles (sorry, couldn't help that -- been reading "Wolf Hall" and thinking about all the Christian-on-Christian hatred that was going on back in those days when Henry VIII decided he wanted a new and better queen).
Anyway, I got to wondering how Trump's supporters would react if Trump said he was more popular than Jesus. (And judging by the actions of Trump's base, he probably IS more popular than Jesus with those folks.)
I wish some reporter would ask that question. Are you now more popular than Jesus? I would love to see him stumble over his answer. He might understand that the "correct" answer is no. But he might also be so happy with the comparison that he might flip into Trump-mode and say something idiotic. "Look, they say Jesus walked on water, but I'm building the wall. Jesus never would have done that, what I'm doing. He wouldn't keep those immigrants out."

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